ADM Prayer
Breathe in Han Sa
Speak in Hu
Brahma throws the light on lotus
We are born anew
The rhythm of the universe are clouds
The white against the blue
Eternity’s in love with time
And we’re in love with you
Your Soul is the Day
Your body the Night
Dancing darkness with the Light
The Sun is a Doorway
The Moon a window
We create in the Corners breathing slow
Everything is sacred
Everything is sacred
Everything is special
I traveled to the pyramids
I found them in my heart
A subtle change of feeling
Brings me back to the start
No need to feel bad
For time is well spent
Fight for your Soul
Fight for your Soul
Go deep
Beyond you
Beyond now
There are many you’s
Many now’s
Allow them to fight
For a balance
See their struggle
Who are you..?
What is life..?
Start again
Create a pretend world of peace
Create a pretend world of peace,
And, slowly,
Fill it
With, pieces,
Of reality
A Wish
I know enough
To know nothing
I have enough power
to not need any
I have enough direction
to get lost
I have enough strength
to be broken,
But I can never
have too much love,
The only thing I could truly hate
Would be the inability to love
For You (Song lyrics)
All of my thoughts and all of my loving for you
All of my hopes and all of my fears come true
All these moments and all of these songs for you
All of these words and all of these actions come true
Souls flying high,
Up in the sky
Leaving their bodies for you
The sun it shines
Inside myself
We’re part of everything
Falling back to…
All of my dreams that pour from my heart are from you
Come and love all mistakes are still true
Teach me, hold me spirits old and new
Follow your fears, the light will always shine through
Breathe into view
Uncover the moon
Kiss me into you
Robes of Gold,
Hope in Spring
Love and Dharma come true
Being a mirror for…
Non existence, consciousness from you
Flexible time, stubborn minds come true
Mountain tops and valley drops are with you
Peace in the mind into the mirror comes true
You’re not fine
There’s more to climb
The work is all in you
The camel and the mouse
Get on my back
Im made to take hundreds like you
Getting closer to…
Love in abundance stronger than me and you
Copper loves copper until it melds into gold
The pain and the struggle lead us back into you
Breathing deep our mystical life is in view
My Cuban Sun
What do they feel that I don't?
What do they see that I don't?
We are both trapped in different castles,
but lost in the same darkness.
When we wake up
we will have different perceptions of where we came from
and distractions in the present,
But we will both know that there is a front door
and the same freedom in the same garden
that is given by the ultimate sacrificial presence.
Not a human,
because humans need to create
they can never just be,
but by the ultimate savior,
The Sun
So many little trumps everywhere in all of us,
If we really look.
So many of us impulsive,
I see such justified anger.
Clear definitions of what those justifications are.
So much inability to communicate because we are in a perceived time of war.
So much profound racism and discrimination, such eagerness to put whole groups or those we identify with solely on our backs to become self-appointed spokespeople for.
Lets give ourselves all more credit and expect much more from everyone. We are evolving and must force ourselves to keep up with ourselves!
We are not ignorant to the fact that we remain ignorant to the fact that we ARE NOT IGNORANT.
When, what, how do we give up on ourselves and go with the lowest, easiest, downhill flowing, short term blissful energy of anxiety and negativity?
We are wholly trained but give in to the notions we are untrained.
Quick to point a finger.
How lucky are we to see such blatant honesty of humanity if we know how to look and acknowledge it.
The realization of ones freedom
The realization of ones freedom
To choose all that affects him
Does it affect ones choices necessarily?
The bad decisions?
Am I afraid of my freedom?
Fear of failure is strong in me
I’m also particular about how I want success
That mixed with lack of focus and un-groundedness
Is good energy for transformation
And utilization for positive use
Self analysis and study.